The Ninja was examined by a concussion specialist this morning. He does indeed have a mild concussion, but no major neurological damage (thank goodness). The doctor wants him to continue to refrain from physical activity, at least until Easter Monday, when we return for a re-exam. She also brought his world crashing down around him when she recommended no tv or video games or computer usage or music through earbuds, as these all provide stimulation that she feels is excessive for the healing brain. This should prove interesting.
Toots continues to have a good week. We have an on-grounds pass scheduled with her for tomorrow. That means, if the weather is nice, we can take her to the picnic area or gazebo on the property. We’ll probably bring a reasonably healthy lunch. If the weather prevents us from sitting outside, we’ll just have to stay in one of the visiting areas inside the building. If she has another good week, she might have a day pass for Easter.
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