Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Oh man, The Ninja has a concussion! He went to school yesterday, continuing to complain of a headache (#5 on the 1-to-10 scale they use at the hospital) and light sensitivity. He made it through the day, but came home and went immediately to bed for the night.

This morning, he couldn't bear any degree of light, and the headache was no better. I kept him home. We had the follow-up appointment this afternoon with his primary doctor. She diagnosed him with a mild concussion, but didn't see any other neurological or visual damage. He has to stay out of gym class, sports and karate for two weeks, and she wants him to be seen by a concussion specialty group at another area hospital.

Hanshi, the head of the karate dojo, is pretty upset. She said she can't remember anyone else getting a concussion while sparring. Ninja used to wear a helmet and face mask when sparring, but none of the older boys want to wear the face mask, and lately we've been letting him wear the helmet without the mask. I think we are going to go back to the mask, whether he likes it or not. It's always something.

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